Alesis sample rack manual
Alesis sample rack manual

alesis sample rack manual

Live can be controlled remotely by external MIDI control surfaces, such as MIDI keyboards or controller boxes.

  • The crossfader, the behavior of which is described in detail in the respective section of the Mixing chapter ( see 16.5).
  • alesis sample rack manual

  • Continuous controls - like the mixer’s volume, pan and sends.
  • alesis sample rack manual

    One instance of a radio button is the crossfader assignment section in each track, which offers three options: The track is assigned to the crossfader’s A position, the track is unaffected by the crossfader, or the track is affected by the crossfader’s B position.

  • Radio buttons - A radio button selects from among a number of options.
  • Switches and buttons - among them the Track and Device Activator switches, the Control Bar’s tap tempo, metronome and transport controls.
  • Session View slots - Note that MIDI and computer key assignments are bound to the slots, not to the clips they contain.
  • This chapter describes the details of mapping to the following specific types of controls in Live’s user interface: To liberate the musician from the mouse, most of Live’s controls can be remote-controlled with an external MIDI controller and the computer keyboard.

    Alesis sample rack manual