Change windows 8 color scheme
Change windows 8 color scheme

To save any color changes you have made to the theme, select Apply.Īfter selecting a theme, select one of the colored rectangles under the Choose a theme dropdown menu. Select a new color by clicking on the color picker palette, adjust the selected color’s brightness using the slider under the palette, and select Done. but most of the things I do on the New Computer (less than a month old) are done using the Windows. For example, the alignment of the currently selected paragraph in Word is indicated with this color on the tool ribbon.īutton Text: text on any buttons that contain text.īackground: the background of nearly all text you see in Windows or on a web page, for example. Occasionally I do stuff in the Windows 8 Metro Applications on my Home PC.

change windows 8 color scheme

Selected Text: any selected menu item or option. Hyperlinks: all hyperlinks you see in Windows or on a web page, for example.ĭisabled Text: text that would normally be grayed out, for example, when you cannot select a specific option or button. Text: nearly all text you see in Windows or on a web page, for example. You can modify the color of the following screen elements:

change windows 8 color scheme change windows 8 color scheme

For example, if you have some form of color blindness, you can swap out the affected colors.Īfter selecting a theme, select the Edit button under the Contrast themes drop-down menu. If none of the default themes work perfectly for you, you can further customize the colors of various screen elements. Tip: Press the left Alt key + left Shift key + Print screen (Print Scrn on some keyboards) to quickly turn high contrast mode on or off.

Change windows 8 color scheme